+383 45 205 389
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E Hënë - E Premte: 08:00 – 16:00
Cakto Termin

MSc. Visar Hoxha

Lawyer & Managing Director


Phone +383 45 205 389

Address Str. De Rada, pnr., 20000 Prizren, Kosovo


Visar Hoxha is the Managing Partner at Hoxha & Associates. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Greenwich, London, and a Master of Science in Law from the University of New York, Tirana.

Lawyer Visar Hoxha has served as a project manager and legal officer, and later as Director of the “Loyola-Professional” Center for over six years within the Association “Loyola-Gymnasium.” He has extensive legal experience through his work with prominent law firms such as ADB Consulting, Tonucci & Partners, Boga & Associates, and the Public Procurement Commission in Albania. His expertise spans various fields, including contract law, labor law, commercial law, regulatory compliance, family law, civil law, and criminal law.

In addition to his legal career, Lawyer Visar Hoxha is the co-author of the book “Legal Commentary on the Law on Business Organizations in Kosovo,” aimed at helping foreign investors understand business regulations in Kosovo. He was also elected Secretary-General of the Student Government during his studies, demonstrating his leadership abilities.

With his outstanding academic credentials, diverse professional experience, and strong communication skills in Albanian, English, and German, Visar Hoxha brings a wealth of knowledge and capability to Hoxha & Associates, strengthening our practice.

Visar Hoxha and his father, Hysni Hoxha, as founders of Hoxha & Associates, have a tradition of passing on legal experience and expertise. They are proud to lead a dedicated team of specialized attorneys committed to achieving the best results for our clients.

Your success is our priority. Explore our practice areas and meet our team to discover how we can assist you. Your legal journey starts here!